Unknown LCI(L) on D-Day. Photo taken from LCI(L) 310
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was erving on HMC
LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
The Invasion Fleet - 6 Jun 1944
Landing craft heading to the beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
The Invasion Fleet - 6 Jun 1944
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
The ship at the centre of the photo may be either HMS Rodney or HMS
Landing craft on the Normandy beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
LCI(L) 310 on the beaches at Normandy
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
Soldiers preparing to go ashore from LCI(L) 310
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
D-Day Beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
D-Day Landing Craft
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
On the Beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
On the Beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
Sailors and soldiers on board HMC LCI(L) 310
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
Soldiers disembarking from the landing craft on
the invasion beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
On the Beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
Soldiers disembarking from the landing craft on
the invasion beaches
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
disembarking from the landing craft on the invasion beaches. LCI(L)-118
seen on the right
Photographer: AB W.C. Skellett who was serving
on HMC LCI(L) 310 during the D-day invasion
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett
William (Bill) Charles Skellett, date and place
From the collection of AB William Charles
(Bill) Skellett
Courtesy of Mike Skellett