World War 1950
Mid-1950s 1960 - 1968
1960 - 1968 (RCNR)
- late 1980s late
1980s - 2016 2016 - present
Badges of the Navy - Source: Crow's Nest newspaper - Jun 1944
of Rank of Officers - Distinguishing Badges of Petty Officers &
Ratings. Royal Canadian Navy **
and Rate of Pay RCN **
Trade Badges and Designators 1950 - 1960
RCN Badges and Insignia - Page
1 - Page 2
- Source: The Crowsnest Magazine, March-April 1964
The New RCN Trade Structure - Source:
The Crowsnest Magazine Sep 1959
** These
links have rank and trade badges and rates of pay and it is believed
they are of WW 2 era.
World War
The trade badges shown below for WW II RCN
trade badges are RN trade badges. The RCN used the same badges as
the RN until 1948.

Leading Coder

Coder & Ordinary Coder
Officer's Cook
Officer's Steward
Supply Rating
Supply Rating
Defensively Equipped
Merchant Ships |
badge was worn below the gunnery rating badge on the upper right
Seaman Gunner

Draughtsman 1st Class

Draughtsman 2nd Class |

Draughtsman 3rd Class

Gunner's Mate |
Director Layer |
Director Layer 2nd Class |

Anti-Aircraft Rating
1st Class |
Anti-Aircraft Rating
2nd Class |
Anti-Aircraft Rating
3rd Class |

Quarters Rating 1st Class |
Quarters Rating 2nd Class |
Quarters Rating 3rd Class |
Layer Rating 1st Class |

Layer Rating 2nd Class |
Layer Rating 3rd Class
Control Rating 1st Class |
Control Rating 2nd Class
Control Rating 3rd Class


Range Taker 1st Class

Range Taker

Chief Mechanician |
Mechanician 1st & 2nd Class |
Sick Berth Attendant

Laboratory Assistant


Operating Room Assistant

X-Ray Assistant |

Chief Motor Mechanic

Motor Mechanic

Training Instructor 1st Class

Training Instructor 2nd Class
Training Instructor 3rd Class |

Chief Petty Officer
Photographer |
Leading Photographer |

Photographer |


Chief Sailmaker

Sailmaker's Mate
Note: The same trade
was also used for:
(Plumbers, Painters,
Joiners, Coopers)
Chief Shipwright |

Shipwright 1st-4th Class

Shipwright 5th Class |

Visual Signalman 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer

Visual Signalman 2nd Class
Petty Officer

Visual Signalman 2nd Class

Visual Signalman 3rd Class |

Visual Signalman
(Trained Operator)
Ordinary Sig or Signal Boy
(Signalman not T.O.)
Convoy Leading Signalman

Chief Stoker and Stoker PO |

Leading Stoker &
Stoker 1st class

Stoker 2nd Class
Submarine Detector Instructor
Higher Submarine Detector

Submarine Detector
Submarine Detector
Torpedo Gunner's Mate |
Torpedo Coxswain |

Torpedoman (Low Power) |

Leading Torpedoman |
Seaman Torpedoman
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist |
Petty Officer Telegraphist |
Leading Telegraphist
Wireless Telegraphist 2nd Class |
Wireless Telegraphist 3rd Class
Wireless Telegraphist
(Trained Operator)
Ordinary Tel or Boy Tel
(not T.O.)

Petty Officer Telegraphist
Wireless Telegraphist 3rd Class (Radar)
Rating Observer
Acting Observer Rating |
Air Gunner 1st Class |

Air Gunner 2nd Class |
Air Gunner 3rd Class |
Telegraphist Air Gunner
All Classes
Worn above left cuff
RN only |

CPO and PO Air Mechanic
Engine Section

Leading Air Mechanic
Engine Section

Air Mechanic
Engine Section

Air Fitter
Engine Section
CPO and Leading Air Fitter
Electrical Section

Leading Air Mechanic
Electrical Section

CPO and PO Air Mechanic
Ordinance Section

Air Fitter
Ordnance Section

CPO, PO, and Leading Air Fitter
Airframe Section
Air Mechanic
Airframe Section
Bandsman |

Bugler |
Bomb Disposal |

Combined Operations |
Combined Operations
Coxswain |
Diver |

Good Shooting Badge
(Marksman) |

Plotter, Bomb Range Marker |
Surveying Recorder |
Trade badges from Naval General Order GO
75/13 dated October 1950
RCN Manual of Advancement and Promotion, (BRCN 113) dated October 1950 shows
the maple leaf and eliminates the non-substantive rate stars and crown.

Administrative Writer |

Air Artificer |

Air Fitter |

Air Rigger |

Aircraft Controlman |

Anti-Aircraft Rate |

Bandsman |

Communicator (new entry)
1948-1955 (note 1) |

Communicator Crypto
1948-1955 (note 1) |

Communicator Radio
1948-1955 (note 1) |

Communicator Supplementary
1948-1955 (note 1) |

Communicator Visual
1948-1955 (note 1) |

Control Armourer |

Cook (Officers) |

Cook (Seamen) |

Electrical Technician |

Electrical Technician (Air) |

Electricians Mate |

Engine Room Artificer |

Gunnery Instructor |

Gunnery Armourer |

Hygiene Assistant |

Laboratory Assistant |

Layers Rate |

Medical Assistant |

Meteorologists Mate |

Motor Mechanic |

Naval Storesman |

Operating Room Assistant |

Pay Writer |

Pharmacists Assistant |

Photographer |

Physical Training Instructor |

Physiotherapy Aide |

Plane Technician |

Plumber |

Quartermaster |

Quarter Rate |

Radar Control |

Radar Plot Rate |

Radio Technician |

Radio Technician (Air) |

Radiographer |

Regulating Rate |

Safety Equipment Technician |

Sailmaker |

Shipwright |

Steward |

Stoker Mechanic |

Torpedo Armourer |

Torpedo Anti-Submarine |

Victualling Storesman |
(1) Research by Spud Roscoe, Radio (S), RCN -- By 1950
there was a CR, CS, CV, CC, rating all with the same badge with the exception
of the letter in the circle. Shortly after that, the navy combined the CV and
CR to CM and made them one and the same. The CM ratings did a watch in the
radio room and then did a watch on the bridge as a Signalman. This only lasted
a couple of years and it was just too much for one trade. They went back to CR
and CV. CV was Communicator Visual, the Signalman. The CC disappeared sometime
around 1953. Just before 1960 the trade name changed. CV became Signalman SG
with crossed flags. CR became Radioman RM with the wings of mercury and knob.
CS became Radioman Special RS with the wings of mercury and the DF Loops.
These badges were changed in 1955 but the trade name did not change until
later. The RS and Radioman (RM) branch badges were very similar. Both had the
maple leaf with the wings of mercury. Where the wings of mercury joined, there
was a solid knob on the RM badge and the loops of the MF/ DF antenna on the RS
badge as shown above. The knob and loops were the same size and one had to
look closely to see the difference.
The trade badges below were used c1950-1954 and are an example of how the trade group
was indicated as part of the trade badge for a short period. The
crown was affixed at the bottom of the maple leaf to indicate
"Instructor". These have not been found in any manual on
trade badges and the exact length of time for their use is unknown.
The two groups of badges below are courtesy of Ted Orlowski.


Gunnery trades
Mid 1950s

Administrative Writer |

Air Artificer |
Air Fitter |

Air Rigger |
Aircraft Controlman |
Anti-Aircraft |

Bandsman |

Communicator Crypto |

Communicator Supplementary |

Communicator Visual |

Control Armourer |

Cook |

Electrical Technician |

Electrical Technician (Air) |

Electricians Mate |

Engine Room Artificer |
Gunnery Instructor |

Gunnery Armourer |

Hygiene Assistant |

Laboratory Assistant |
Layer |

Medical Assistant |
Meteorologist's Mate |

Motor Mechanic |

Naval Storesman |

Operating Room Assistant |

Pay Writer |

Pharmacists Assistant |

Photographer |
Physical Training Instructor |

Physiotherapy Aide |

Plane Technician |

Plumber |

Quartermaster |
Quarter |
Radar Control |
Radar Plotter |

1955 - Feb 1968 (Note 1) |

Radio Technician |

Radio Technician (Air) |

Radiographer |

Regulating |
Safety Equipment Technician |

Sailmaker |

Shipwright |

Steward |

Stoker Mechanic |
Technical Assistant |

Torpedo Anti-Submarine |

Torpedo Armourer |

Victualling Storesman |
(1) Research by Spud Roscoe, Radio (S), RCN -- By 1950
there was a CR, CS, CV, CC, rating all with the same badge with the exception
of the letter in the circle. Shortly after that, the navy combined the CV and
CR to CM and made them one and the same. The CM ratings did a watch in the
radio room and then did a watch on the bridge as a Signalman. This only lasted
a couple of years and it was just too much for one trade. They went back to CR
and CV. CV was Communicator Visual, the Signalman. The CC disappeared sometime
around 1953. Just before 1960 the trade name changed. CV became Signalman SG
with crossed flags. CR became Radioman RM with the wings of mercury and knob.
CS became Radioman Special RS with the wings of mercury and the DF Loops.
These badges were changed in 1955 but the trade name did not change until
later. The RS and Radioman (RM) branch badges were very similar. Both had the
maple leaf with the wings of mercury. Where the wings of mercury joined, there
was a solid knob on the RM badge and the loops of the MF/ DF antenna on the RS
badge as shown above. The knob and loops were the same size and one had to
look closely to see the difference.
Jan 1960 - 01 Feb 1968
Trade Badges IAW
the RCN Catalogue of Material BRCN 213 dated March 1962 and the Apr 1964 edition
of the Crowsnest Magazine.

Administrative Write (AW) |
Air Electrical Technician (EA) |
Air Electronic Technician (RA) |
Air Fitter (AF) |
Air Rigger (AR) |

Apprentice, Technical (AP) |
Aviation Technician (AT) |
Bandsman (BD) |
Boatswain (BN) |
Clearance Diver (CD) |

Commissaryman (CM)
See Note 1 |

Cook (CK) |
Electrical Technician (ET) |

Electrician's Mate (LM) |
Electronic Technician (LT)
Engineering Mechanic (EM) |
Engineering Technician (ER) |

Fire Controlman (FC) |
Hull Mechanic (HM) |
Hull Technician (HT) |
Hygiene Assistant (HG) |

Laboratory Assistant (LB) |
Medical Assistant (MA) |
Meteorologist's Mate (MM) |
Naval Airman (AM) |

Naval Storesman (NS)
See Note 3 |
Operating Room Assistant (OR) |

Pay Writer (PW) |

Pharmacist (PM) |
Photographer (PH) |

Physical and Recreational Training Instructor
(PT) |

Physiotherapy Aide |

Radar Plotter (RP) |

Radioman (RM)
1955 - Feb 1968 (Note 6) |
Radioman Special (RS)
1955 - Feb 1968 (Note 6) |

Ship's Storesman (ST) |

Ship's Writer (WR) |
Signalman (SG) |
Sonarman (SN) |

Steward (SW) |
Technical Assistant |

Victualling Storesman (VS)
See Note 2 |

Weaponman Air (WA)

Weaponman Surface (WS) |

Weaponman Underwater (WU) |
Other Qualifications |


Shallow Water Diver |


Naval Air Crewman |

1) The Commissaryman trade badge was awarded after completion of Trade
Group 4 and was responsible for both Cook and Steward trades.
2) Victualling Storesmen were responsible for Food, Clothing, Canteen and
3) Naval Storesmen were responsible for all other stores issues not covered
by Victualling Storeman group
4) Ship's Storesman was the badge worn after the Trade Group 4 and
those who wore it were qualified in both stores trades.
01 Jan 1960 - 01 Feb
Trade Badges IAW
the RCN Catalogue of Material BRCN 213 dated March 1962
and the Apr 1964 edition
of the Crowsnest Magazine.

Air Artificer |

Anti-Aircraft Rate |

Armourer's Mate |

Communicator Crypto |
Communicator Radio |
Communicator Visual |

Control Armourer |

Gunnery Armourer |
Hull Tech (Wood)
Hull Tech (Metal) |
Layer Rate |

Mechanic |

Ordnance Technician |

Plumber |
Quarter's Rate |

Radar Control Rate |

Regulator |
Safety Equipment Technician |

Sailmaker |
Seaman |
Technician mechanic |

Torpedo Armourer |

Torpedo Detector Rate |
01 Feb 1968 - Late 1980s
Trade Badges
This was the period of Unification where
all three branches of the Canadian Armed Forces wore the Green CF uniform and
there were no distinctive Naval trade badges in use during this time. Those
who had the pre-unification uniforms continued to wear them with their
distinctive trade badges until issued with the new CF uniform.
Other Qualifications

1968-1972 |

1972-present |

Clearance Diver
1968-present |

Port Inspection Diver |

Shallow Water Diver
1968-Present |

Medical Officer - Diver |
Late 1980s
- 2016
Sometime after 1985 the Government of
Canada issued distinctive environmental uniforms (DEUs) to the three services and
at this time trade badges were re-introduced to the Canadian Navy.

Admin Clerk 831

Boatswain (Bos'n) 181

Clearance Diver 341

Clearance Diver Tech 342

Communicator Research 291

Cook 861 |
Diesel Mechanic 315 |

Electrician 331 |

Financial Clerk 841 |

Fire Fighter 651 |

Hull Tech 321 |

Intelligence 111 |

Marine Electrician 332 |

Marine Engineering Artificer 314 |

Marine Engineer Mechanic 312

Biomedical Electronics Tech 718 |

Lab Technician 714 |

Medical Assistant 711 |

Operating Room Technician
713 |

Preventive Medicine
Technician 716 |

Radiology (X-ray)
Technician 715 |

Meteorological Technician
Met Tech 121 |

Marine Engineer Technician 313 |

Military Police 811 |

Musician 871 |
Naval Combat Information Operator NCI OP 275
See Note 3 |

Naval Communicator 277
NAV COMM See Note 2 |

Naval Electronic Technician
(Acoustic) 283
NET(A) |
Naval Electronic Technician (Communications) 284
NET(C) |
Naval Electronic Technician
(Systems) 286
NET(S) |

Naval Electronic Technician
(Tactical) 285
NET(T) |

Naval Electronic Sensor
Operator 276 (Old badge)
See Note 1 |
Naval Electronic Sensor
Operator 276 (Current badge)
See Note 1 |

Naval Radio Operator 274
See Note 2 |

Naval Shipping and Control
Operator 263
See note 6 |

Naval Signalman 262
See Note 2 |

Naval Weapons Tech 065

Oceanographic Operator 191

Physical Education and
Recreation Instructor 851

Radar Plotter 271
See Note 3 |

Resource Management Support
Clerk 836
RMS Clerk |

Sonar Operator
See Note 5 |

Sonar Technician 282
See Note 4
Steward 862 |
Supply Technician 911 |

Weapons Engineering Tech
W Eng Tech

Weapons Engineering Tech
W Eng Tech - Arm

Weapons Engineering Tech
W Eng Tech - Comm

Weapons Engineering Tech
Fire Control
W Eng Tech FC |

Weapons Engineering Tech
W Eng Tech - Radar

Weapons Engineering Tech
W Eng Tech - Sonar
1) Naval Electronic Sensor Operator
(NES OP) trade is an
amalgamation of the Electronic Warfare (EW) and the Fire Control (FC) trades.
The ‘old’ badge was the original trade badge issued when the Distinctive
Environmental Uniform (DEU) was issued. There was a backlash amongst those in
the MOC and the trade undertook to produce the ‘new’ badge on their own
and with their own funding.
2) In Jan 1998 the Naval Radio Operator (NRAD Op 274) and
Naval Signalman (NAV SIG) 262 trades amalgamated and formed the Naval
Communicator (NAV COMM) 277 trade.
3) Naval Combat Information Operator (NCI OP) trade is the
old Radar Plotter trade.
4) The Sonar Tech 282 Trade became the Naval Electronic
Tech (Acoustic) (NET(A)) 283 Trade
5) Naval Acoustic Operator and Oceanographic Operator
occupations were combined in 1999 to form the Tactical Acoustic Sensor
Operator. The trade name reverted to Sonar Operator in approximately 2005.
(1) Sonar Operator (until mid 1980s) // (2) Naval Acoustic
Control Operator NACOP 273 // (3) Tactical Acoustic Sensor
Operator TASOP 278 // (4) Sonar Operator
Naval Reserve trade only
2016 -
= Trade badge superceded / no longer in use. See
applicable notes

Boatswain (Bos'n)

Clearance Diver

Clearance Diver Technician

Communicator Research

Diesel Mechanic |

Electrical Technician - Junior
(Note 1)

Electrical Technician
(Note 1)
Financial Services

Fire Fighter

Hull Technician
(Note 1) |
Human Resource


Marine Engineering Artificer
(Note 1)

Marine Engineer Mechanic
(Note 1) |

Marine Engineer Technician
(Note 1) |

Marine Technician Manager |

Marine Technician Mechanical Specialist |

Marine Technician Electrical Specialist

Marine Technician Basic Maintainer |

Biomedical Electronics Technician |

Lab Technician |

Medical Technician - Medical Assistant |
Medical Technician - Physicians Assistant

Operating Room Technician

Preventive Medicine Technician

X-ray Technician

Meteorological Technician
Met Tech |

Military Police 811 |

Musician |
Naval Combat Information Operator |

Naval Communicator

Naval Electronic Technician
(Acoustic) |
Naval Electronic Technician (Communications) |
Naval Electronic Technician
(Systems) |

Naval Electronic Technician
Naval Electronic Sensor Operator

Resource Management
Support Clerk
(Note 2) |

Shipping and Control Operator
Naval Reserve |
Sonar Operator
Supply Technician

Tactical Acoustic Sensor

Weapons Engineering Tech

Weapons Engineering Tech

Weapons Engineering Tech

Weapons Engineering Tech
Fire Control

Weapons Engineering Tech

Weapons Engineering Tech
1: The Electrical Technician, Hull Technician and Marine Engineering trades
were amalgamated to create the Marine Technician Trade
2: The Resource Management Clerk (RMS Clerk) trade was split into the Human
Resource Administrator and Financial Services Administrator trades in 2016